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Mood Management: Supporting Emotional Wellness During Your Period

Yağmur Sağlam

Ladies, welcome again to your warm, embracing, and peaceful comfort zone where you can easily find a piece of yourself.🌼 Today, we will dive into something that many of you can relate to but might not always prefer talking about openly: Mood swings during the menstrual phase of the cycle. These swings sometimes become so powerful that you might feel on an emotional rollercoaster.🎢

You might experience a range of emotional changes during menstruation such as extreme sadness, anxiety, irritability, or even depression. These changes are normal and they are often linked to hormonal fluctuations that occur during your menstrual phase. So, it is more than important to maintain your mood to protect your overall well-being.

Understanding Menstrual Mood Changes: Hormonal Influences and Emotional Fluctuations

a woman crying

Your hormones have a crucial role as a reason why your mood changes are on the stage! Although it is important to keep in mind that these hormones might manifest themselves differently through emotions, there is a common pattern in the change in hormone levels. Estrogen and progesterone are mainly involved in these fluctuations. During menstruation, these two hormones are at their lowest since there is no pregnancy. As a result, while watching Titanic during your period you might feel more sad about Jack, you might cry more to him or, you might even get more angry with Rose since she might give a little space to Jack! 🥺😔 These are more than normal once you think about changes in your body. 

There is a physiological change in your brain, how come you expect your emotions to stay the same? 🤌🏻

Cycle Syncing for Emotional Wellness: Embracing Natural Rhythms

a woman hugging herself

Cycle syncing is adjusting your daily activities, exercises, and routines according to different phases of the menstrual cycle. To maintain an overall well-being, it is important to give appropriate responses to your body’s necessities. It is especially crucial when it comes to emotional wellness during the menstrual cycle. Having an understanding of hormonal influences on your mood not only provides you with an insight regarding what you need to do but also becomes a strong bridge between your mind and your body. By hearing your body, you can adjust different self-care practices that can support your emotional balance and alleviate common symptoms like irritability and sadness. Rather than working against your cycle, you need to work with it! Your body signals what you should do, so take a listen to it! The importance of adapting self-care practices based on your menstrual phase lies in accepting and embracing the body’s natural rhythms and its innate cycles.✨

Have you ever felt like you needed a big, comfortable, and warm hug from your mother during menstruation? Now, think of accepting your natural rhythms like your body needs a hug from you. Give your body that gentle, welcoming, warm, and huge hug of acceptance. Relaxing already, right? 🫂

Enhance Emotional Wellness with Cybele in Your Period

Cybele is always ready to support your emotional wellness during the menstrual phase. With its cycle-syncing wellness method, it will be your best companion during your cycle-syncing journey by interpreting your body's signals and preparing personalized meditations according to what your body needs! If you think that “I could use some advice about how to adjust my self-care practices to different phases.” Cybele hears that as well! It will give you unique pieces of advice on how to manage your mood and emotions during your ups and downs, promising to be your number-one assistant! 👥✨

Strategies for Mood Management: Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

You want to maintain your mood but you don’t know what to do when you are at the highest point on the emotional rollercoaster? I got you, girl! 🙌🏻

Let’s invite “Mindfulness Techniques” to the Stage🌟

There might be times that all of a sudden you have felt like you have been hit by a strong wave of sadness or a burst of anger. You can practice mindful breathing when these emotions become heavy.

a woman meditating
  1. You can sit or lie down but be sure that your back is straight but relaxed.

  2. Release any tension you may be holding in your muscles starting from your toes to your head.

  3. Bring your attention to your breath as it enters and leaves your body. Realize the sensation of the air flowing in through your nose, filling your lungs, and then leaving your body.

  4. Begin to take slow, deep breaths by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

  5. Continue to focus on your breath for several minutes, allowing yourself to fully immerse yourself in the present moment.

  6. When you are ready, slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your surroundings.

By providing a sense of calmness and relaxation, it reduces stress and anxiety. Also, it increases your self-awareness contributing to emotional wellness by keeping your attention on that moment.

Give journaling one more chance 🦋

I know that you might leave journaling in your high school years where you used to write about your first crush. 🤭 However, you can change your perspective a little bit and try to view journaling as a way to connect with your emotions and feelings that you are not aware of. Once you start writing, you will realize many feelings that will contribute to your emotional release. Pick yourself a sweet notebook and try it from this day! You will be amazed by the power of sentences. ✍🏻

a journal with natural stones

Self-Expression has never felt this good🎶

Try to find a way of expressing yourself. This could be journaling, singing, talking to your best friend, or maybe drawing! Take a breath and lose control. Compare your mood between when you start writing and when you finish it. I promise, there will definitely be an increase in your mood! Just like Madonna says, "Express Yourself, Baby!"🎤

Nutrition for Mood Support: Foods to Boost Serotonin and Endorphins

So far, we have talked about how physiological changes can affect your emotions and what you can do to regulate yourself during the menstrual phase. What would you think if I said that you can manipulate those physiological changes with what you consume? 🥜🥗

Just a second, I am giving the recipe👩🏻‍🍳:

Serotonin-Rich Foods:

Serotonin is a chemical that helps regulate mood and promote feelings of well-being. So, consuming food that has high amounts of serotonin contributes to your emotional well-being. Some examples include salmon, spinach, and seeds (such as almonds or pumpkin seeds).

Endorphin-Boosting Foods

Another type of chemical that improves well-being is endorphins. They work as a pain reliever thus becoming a natural contributor to happiness. Therefore, it is important to add some food that increases endorphin production in your brain. Some of them are cacao, spicy foods, and vanilla beans.


Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day! Dehydration might also lead to feelings of fatigue and irritability. Therefore, do not underestimate the role of water in your smile!

a healthy diet

Add a little of these to your menu and you will taste happiness! Incorporating mood-boosting foods and drinking enough amount of water can help support your body during the menstrual phase. By promoting happiness, these foods can also reduce PMS symptoms playing a significant role in overall well-being. While keeping these in mind, do not be too harsh on yourself if you want to eat a piece of chocolate.

Everything is in its balance 🙌🏻

Self-Care Practices: Nurturing Your Emotional Well-Being

I am sure that you have understood the importance of self-care and adjusting self-care practices to your daily routine to support your emotional well-being during the menstrual phase. Let's take a little walk together on some practices that you can incorporate into your life.💫

Gentle Activities

Reward yourself with a warm bath! Pick up your favorite essential oils, listen to your favorite playlist, and enjoy your calm, relaxing bath. While water takes your negative energy away, enjoy your moment with those wonderful smells of oils.🛀🏻

Self-Compassion Practices

a woman in bathroom

Start your day with your favorite affirmations and mottos! Imagining those words is not as effective as looking at yourself through the mirror and saying those directly to yourself. Repeat phrases like, "I am worthy of love and kindness.", "I accept my emotions as they are", and "I am enough". I know it might sound a little bit crazy but give it a try. Just spend 5 more minutes in front of the mirror while getting dressed. I guarantee that you will leave the house smiling.🪞

Creative Expression

Let your artistic side take control a little bit! Try creative activities to express yourself from different channels. This could be drawing, painting, or writing. You will get relaxation from both the activity itself and being able to express yourself freely! 👩🏻‍🎨

Integrating these practices into your daily routine during menstruation will support you on your way to balancing your emotions and regulating yourself. Trying doesn't hurt, right?

Embrace Emotional Wellness with Cybele

I know how all of these hormones, mood swings, balanced diets, and exercises might seem complicated. However, you do not have to do all of these by yourself, Cybele is always there for you! Through cycle-syncing Cybele will find the most appropriate practices and mood management strategies for your cycle. You can do it just by saving a little room on your phone’s home screen. Do not spend one more minute without peace and calmness. Just visit the AppStore and download Cybele now! Then, enjoy your every moment with peace and joy through every phase of your cycle!

womanhood friendships

Although it is important to maintain emotional balance during all phases of your cycle, your body might need a little more support during the menstrual phase due to decreased hormone levels. By tuning into your body's needs, practicing self-compassion, and exploring a variety of self-care techniques you can regulate the ups and downs in your emotions. It is more than normal to experience these mood swings but always remember that by embracing your natural rhythms and emotions you can conquer them all! Don't worry, we always got this!💪🏻



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