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Mindful Living: 10 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Daily Routine

Zeynep Yeşim Dolanbay

Have you ever stopped and realized that you're actually living the life you dreamed of years ago? If you haven't, take a small break and reconsider your old dreams. I'm sure you'll be shocked by what you have. It doesn't have to be something big. Maybe you have the room you fantasized about as a child; maybe you've acquired that makeup skill you always dreamed of, and now you can stroll around with that fancy eye makeup. Perhaps you've achieved the body you dreamed of, or maybe you finally got into that school you always wanted. You have many things now, small or big, that you once dreamed of, but in the hustle and bustle of daily life, these things seem so insignificant that you don't even think about appreciating your life because you're busy dreaming about the future.

But I have some bad news for you: if you continue to live like this, when you finally achieve what you dream of today, you won't even notice it. So, is there no solution to this? Of course, there is. The way to become aware of your life is to integrate mindfulness and meditation into your daily life.

Let's delve deeper into these concepts and see what you can do in 10 steps.

a painting with a writing  "now is a gift"

1. Morning Meditation: A Calm Start to Your Day

If you want to become more aware of and appreciate the beauty in your life, starting the day with a clear mind would be a great first step. Perhaps a busy day awaits you, but if you clear your mind in the morning, you can easily handle the rest. In addition to guided meditation or breathing exercises, thinking about the details of your life that you are satisfied with can also be helpful. Take a short time for yourself before starting the day, and try to focus on the positive details that await you today. How many of today's tasks were your dreams? Perhaps you will wear that dress you saved up for months, or you will set out for that company you've been striving to get into. Focus on the positive aspects, clear your mind, and feel your stress decrease. Maybe a challenging day awaits you, but focusing solely on the negatives while disregarding your past accomplishments is a great injustice to the striving you. Take a moment to appreciate yourself and start the day with this positive vibe.

2. Breathing Exercises: Harnessing the Power of Breath

You may realize that you are being swept away by waves of negativity in your daily life and want to say stop to it with meditation, but you do not know how to start. Meditating without a guide can feel difficult at first, but it's quite natural, and it's also not very likely that you'll be able to open a guided meditation in the middle of your work or exam. At this point, breath exercises may be the meditation method you seek. You don't need a guide or affirmations to memorize; just focusing on your breath is enough. Simply divert your consciousness from your thoughts and whatever you're doing at the moment and focus on your breathing. Start with 2-3 minutes and continue with this exercise daily; you will see that as time goes on, you can focus on your breath for longer periods by stopping your thoughts. If you have difficulty stopping your thoughts initially, try counting your breaths. It might be easier for you to get away from other negative thoughts while your brain focuses on counting.

My other suggestion is the 4-7-8 breath exercise. This exercise, which slows down your rapid heartbeat and helps you breathe more controlled, can also be very helpful for upcoming anxiety attacks. All you have to do is breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. If you repeat this cycle 4-5 times, you will notice that your heart rate slows down and you become calmer.

3. Mindful Commuting: Turning Transit into Meditation

During journeys, it's very likely to get caught up in overthinking and drown in a sea of negative thoughts. At least it is for me. Instead of delving into long-winded thoughts or anxiously observing your surroundings during these journeys, you can turn them into daily mini-meditation sessions! Starting with the simplest, you can try the breathing exercises I mentioned earlier during your travels. You can listen to mantras with headphones or do guided meditations. Or if your anxiety doesn't allow you to do any of these, simply redirecting your thoughts to positive affirmations is also an option. Focusing on the positive thoughts in your life, as I mentioned before, will clear your mind. After this mini meditation session, I'm sure you'll enter wherever your journey's destination is with a much calmer mind and higher energy.

4. Midday Mindfulness: Quick Resets for Productivity

Just as you've incorporated eating three meals a day into your life, you can also turn meditation into a habit in the same way. You don't have to wait until you're completely overwhelmed or burned out. Declare a specific time of day as your meditation and relaxation time, and take a break from whatever you're doing at that time to focus on your mind. In addition to breathing exercises and affirmations, you can play nature sounds you find online, close your eyes, and have a short rest session for yourself. When you regularly practice midday meditation, you'll notice it's a fantastic reset, and you'll start living your life more focused.

5. Mindful Eating: Savoring Each Bite

a fruit plate

You may have observed that you derive incredible pleasure from eating the same food in one meal while not being as fond of it in another meal. Or, after taking a long break from a meal you regularly eat, you may have found it to be more delicious than ever when you ate it again for the first time. This is because sometimes we eat more mindfully, focusing on each bite and savoring its flavor much more. This is called mindful eating. Not only do you enjoy the taste more, but you also consume a much healthier meal both physically and mentally as a result.

One of the most important aspects is that by focusing on your meal, you prevent situations like overeating or undereating, and you also help eliminate mental issues that can lead to eating disorders by forming a positive relationship with your food mentally. Additionally, as you try to be more mindful of what you eat, you will naturally eat more slowly, which is healthier for your digestive system.

The first step you can take to start mindful eating is to focus on your meal. Put away your phone, turn off the television, and concentrate on your food. Also, don't forget to listen to your body. Pay attention to hunger and fullness signals. Eat only when you feel hungry, and stop when you're satisfied. Observe your emotions: Try to understand the underlying emotion behind the urge to eat. Are you feeling hungry, or are you trying to relieve stress? When you do these things regularly, you'll notice that you enjoy your meals much more and eat more healthily.

6. Mindful Breaks: Pausing for Presence

Just like mindful eating, mindful breaks are also crucial for our lives. For instance, you may find yourself taking breaks frequently while studying or working but not getting any productivity out of them. You might end up taking half-hour breaks after declaring that you will study until exhaustion and then take a ten-minute break. If you take breaks mindlessly, your productivity decreases significantly, just like how you can unwittingly lead yourself into eating disorders while eating mindlessly. First, decide at what intervals you will take breaks. Instead of working until exhaustion, make a plan and be sure to take a break at the end of it. To avoid exceeding your break times, deciding what you will do during these breaks will help. Perhaps a short meditation or a brief walk outdoors. After completing what you will do during the break, return to work directly and enjoy more productive work with your mindful breaks.

7. Evening Reflection: Cultivating Gratitude

Practicing mindfulness exercises can be highly beneficial for you to calm your mind and ensure a restful sleep at the end of a busy day, allowing you to start the next day refreshed. You can incorporate mindfulness practices into your evening self-care routine when you come home at the end of the day. If you enjoy writing, you can write down things you are grateful for today, and you can even share them on social media to spread positivity to those around you! Remember, positivity multiplies as it spreads.

If you're not the type to write, you can try reflecting on your day mentally. Think about the positive things that happened today, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. Consider what today has added to you and what you have learned to take with you at the end of the day. Then take a deep breath and congratulate yourself for successfully completing the day

8. Guided Meditations: Utilizing Technology for Mindfulness

two women meditating

Despite all these meditation tips, you may find it difficult to focus on even breathing exercises. That's where guided meditation can be helpful. After finding a guided meditation online tailored to your preferences and needs, you can slowly start stepping into this world. Start with short meditation sessions and gradually extend the duration as you get used to it. Remember that you can take a break from meditation when your attention wanders and you start to worry. After all, the goal here is to relax; we don't want you to get more tense because you can't focus. To further increase your focus, ensure you meditate in an environment where you feel comfortable. As your skills develop, you will naturally start exploring meditation in different areas. Remember, meditation is a journey. Some days may be challenging, but don't give up. With regular practice, you'll increase your mindfulness, reduce stress, and lead a more peaceful life.

9. Mindful Movement: Integrating Meditation with Exercise

As I mentioned earlier, mindful eating and taking mindful breaks are important, and mindful movement is equally crucial. The path to mindful movement involves integrating meditation with physical activity. In this regard, the first example that comes to mind is undoubtedly yoga. You can attend a yoga class or follow a lesson online to learn how to exercise while focusing on your movements and body. Once you've learned to move mindfully, you can adapt it to all kinds of exercises, from your walks and runs to even cardio workouts. By focusing on the muscles you're working on and paying attention to your body, you not only make your workouts more effective but also avoid injuries and overexertion. By combining the mental effects of both exercise and meditation, you can achieve maximum efficiency.

10. Mindful Sleep: Preparing the Mind for Rest

After all this, night falls, and you get into bed, but you find it hard to fall asleep. Here again, your best ally is meditation. By trying various meditation techniques, you can gradually relax your mind. Initially, this won't be easy, of course, but if you repeat this practice regularly, your mind will gradually stop resisting, and you'll find it easier to fall asleep with each passing day. Explore various types of meditation, from breathing exercises to guided meditations, to find the one that suits you best. Once you discover the exercise that relaxes your mind at night, the rest will be much easier. Remember, comfortable sleep at the end of the day is crucial for starting the next day off right.

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If we consider all the examples, by taking each step consciously and adding specific breaks to our daily routines while reflecting on what we have accomplished in our lives, we can enter a much more positive and productive mindset. Incorporating meditation and mindful living into our lives isn't all that difficult. Start by trying out a few of the exercises mentioned in this article that resonate with you the most, and take the first step towards your new life. Remember, in this new journey, Cybell is always by your side.



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