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Does Cycle Syncing Really Work? Here Is The Answer

Zeynep Yeşim Dolanbay

You might enjoy incorporating cycle-syncing practices into your daily life, creating personalized routines, and following popular self-care trends from the internet. While it feels good to follow these practices, is cycle syncing scientifically validated? Blog posts about cycle syncing often use scientific terms that may lead us to believe in its effectiveness, but are they really scientifically valid information? Let's explore together what's true and what's not.

a woman cycle synicing her routines and plans on calendar

Understanding Cycle Syncing: What Is It and How Does It Work?

Before we dive in, let's recall what cycle syncing means. Cycle syncing is based on women tracking their menstrual cycles and adjusting their routines accordingly. It involves aligning lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, work, and more, with the different phases of the menstrual cycle—menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. Since women's hormones change during these phases, it's believed their routines should adapt too. Programs tailored to hormonal balance can optimize women's health, productivity, and overall well-being. For example, during the follicular phase, increased estrogen can boost energy and cognitive function, suggesting a good time for intense workouts and creative projects. Conversely, the luteal phase, characterized by rising progesterone, may call for more rest and self-care.With this growing trend, many recommendations are available, but how effective are they? Let's examine the scientific background of cycle syncing.

The Science Behind Cycle Syncing: Evidence and Research Findings

The menstrual cycle has been studied for many years, and it is well known that women experience hormonal changes throughout the month. However, whether these hormonal changes significantly affect daily life is still a subject of debate. A graphic prepared by Yoko Miyagawa for the BBC illustrates both the hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and their observed effects. You can see the hormone levels at different stages of the cycle and their physical and emotional impacts in. In this study, it is observed that with hormonal changes during different phases, certain abilities increase and some emotions are experienced more intensely in specific phases. For example, it has been found that choosing the ovulation phase to start a creative task can enhance productivity.

the Brain During The Meditation

Scientific research on the effect of hormonal changes on women's smoking cessation actually demonstrates how influential they can be on everyday abilities. Studies with strong evidence supporting the effect of the menstrual cycle on exercise also bolster this argument. In this study, findings suggest that performing exercises suitable for different menstrual phases can enhance the efficiency gained during these phases. Experiments demonstrating differences in implicit memory due to the menstrual cycle, showing how different skills increase and decrease in various phases, scientifically affirm this phenomenon.

Apart from these positive aspects, it has been noted that anxiety levels also increase at certain pahses of menstraul cycle, affecting daily life. During these periods when anxiety increases, it is recommended to engage in activities that help maintain calm, such as meditation. In this way, this condition that could negatively affect daily life can be easily brought under control. Research also suggests that the menstrual cycle influences dreams, even in unexpected domains, highlighting how women are affected by their cycles. From this study, we understand that the menstrual cycle is an inevitable part of women's lives. It is such a powerful component that it can even affect you during sleep!

Debunking Myths and Misconceptions: Addressing Common Concerns

a scientist woman

If we're scientifically convinced, let's now discuss some important misconceptions. Some common misunderstandings include the belief that cycle syncing is a one-size-fits-all solution. I've consistently emphasized in my previous blogs that applications related to cycle syncing are definitely personalized. It will be much more effective to adapt the information you read online to yourself through experience rather than applying it directly. As constantly emphasized in research, the effects on individuals are not observed universally in every woman. It is necessary to acknowledge that every woman has her own unique constitution. Experts also confirm the need to incorporate suitable practices into your daily routine while leaving others behind.

Another important misunderstanding is thinking that cycle syncing applications can replace medical advice. It is essential to view cycle syncing as a complementary approach rather than a substitute for professional medical care. If a serious problem arises, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Also, before integrating many cycle syncing applications into daily life, it would be best to consult a professional.

Embrace Cycle Syncing with Cybele

If, after all these researches, you also want to explore and incorporate cycle syncing into your life, Cybele might be the app you're looking for. Cybele offers a comprehensive tool for those interested in cycle syncing. This well-being app provides personalized meditations and well-being advice tailored to different phases of the menstrual cycle, supporting women in aligning their lifestyle with their natural hormonal rhythms. As I mentioned before, creating a personalized routine rather than following general practices is crucial. Achieving this with Cybele is much easier. By using Cybele, you can better manage their health and well-being in a holistic manner. You can download it from the App Store right away and enjoy personalized advice tailored just for you.

a woman doind skincare after shower for wellness

Conclusion: The Verdict on Cycle Syncing

To conclude what we talked so far, while individual experiences with cycle syncing may vary. There is growing scientific support for its effectiveness in promoting women's health, productivity, and overall well-being. As research continues to evolve, cycle syncing could become an increasingly valuable tool for women's health management. Though it's crucial to keep in mind that cycle-syncing practices should only be used alongside medical professionals, not as a replacement for them.



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